Suganthini Krishnan Natesan
M.D., Professor FTA (Clinician-Educator), Internal Medicine, VA Affiliate
Suganthini Krishnan Natesan
Office Phone
John D Dingell VA Medical Center, C3917, 4646 John R Road, Detroit, Michigan 48201
office phone 313-576-3057
fax 313-576-1242
Division Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
John D Dingell VA Medical Center
Associate Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
01/2016 to Present Member, Wayne State University M1 Investigational Review Board (IRB) Committee.
3/2020 to Present: WSU Infectious Disease Faculty for Global Health Research Collaborative (GHRC) Panel Chairperson and Faculty Mentor for Individual Capstone Projects and Summer workshops for students.
5/2016 to Present Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
8/2005-4/2016 Assistant Professor of Medicine, FTA, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, John D. Dingell V.A. Medical Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
2014-Present Educational Coordinator for Department of Infectious Diseases/WSU, Curriculum Building, arranging/organizing Infectious Disease core lectures for internal medicine residents and physician assistants.
2014-Present Wayne State University-WSU Infectious Disease Fellows Clinical Review Committee
2014-2019 Educational Coordinator for Department of Infectious Diseases/WSU, Curriculum Building, arranging/organizing Infectious Disease core lectures and presentations for students, residents, WSU Infectious Disease Fellows.
8/2005 to 2015 VA Alternate/representative for Wayne State University IRB (Institution Review Board M1) Committee.
4/2020 to Present Lead Principal Investigator for all COVID-19 clinical trials at the VAMC
10/2016 to Present Section Chief, Infectious Disease, John D. Dingell VAMC, Detroit, MI.
10/2016 to Present ID Section Chief, Infection Control, Hospital Epidemiology, Antibiotic Stewardship Committee, VAMC.
9/2017 to Present Chairman and Site Director for Infectious Disease education and research for WSU Internal medicine residents and Infectious Disease Fellows
03/2020 to Present COVID Task Force Infectious Disease Lead/Member (Author, COVI-19 Treatment Guidelines), John D. Dingell VAMC
03/2020 to Present Scarce Resource Allocation Committee, (SRAC) COVID-19 John D. Dingell VAMC
2017 to Present Member of HIV, Hepatitis and Related Conditions (HHRC) and VHA Offcieof Specialty care services National Working Group
2017 to Present Member of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Multidisciplinary HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Working Group
2016 to Present VA General Infectious Disease Clinic Director, John D Dingell VA Medical Center
2016 to Present VA – HIV Clinic Director, John D. Dingell VA Medical Center
2016 to Present Chairman and Site Co-ordinator/HIV Committee, John D. Dingell VA Medical Center
2017-Present Research Consultant for Active VA Merit grant for Dr Wei Ping Ren Establishing a PK/PD model for in vitro biofilm formation on implanted devices and prosthetic material. Evaluation of the in vitro effect of bactericidal coating.
06/2012 to Present Member, Clinical Investigation Committee, JDD VAMC, Detroit
2012- Present Member, Research Oversight Committee, JDD VAMC, Detroit
2005 to Present As Chief of Infectious Disease/Supervisor of Pharmacy/Infection Control and Hospital epidemiology & Antibiotic Stewardship Committees/Clinical Review Executive Committee, John D. Dingell VA Medical Center
2018- Present Member of Global Health Initiative team with Dr Zervos, Marc, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit MI.
2005 to Present Infectious Disease Consultant, John D. Dingell VA Medica